Collie Education
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Educational Collie content to teach and assist Collie fanciers. Article & video topics include Taping & Bracing Collie Puppy Ears, How to Identify a Responsible Breeder, Hawkins System, and Specialty Show Critiques.

The Collie Breed’s Ranking System This research was originally published in the Collie Club of America’s Summer 2020 Bulletin. Thank you to Bob Hawkins and…

This article was originally published in the Collie Club of America’s Summer 2020 Bulletin. Special thanks to Bob Hawkins for sharing his time and insight. …

This article was originally published in the Collie Club of America’s Summer 2020 Bulletin. Special thanks to Les Hutchins for sharing his time and insight. … Matt Stelter (Wyndlair Collies) sits down to interview Debbie Falk of Aurealis Collies in Washington State. Listen as Debbie shares her story, as well…

Sections: General Grooming Collie Ears Temperament Lassie GENERAL What is a Collie? Collies are a moderately large herding dog breed descending from Scotland. They…

Explanation of Dismissal: 2004 CCA Bulletin Hawkins System© Article I recently completed a 3-year research project on the Hawkins System© . The overview article, along…

The breeding of merle-to-merle is not a frequently discussed topic among Collie breeders. The practice has been utilized occasionally since the early days of the…

This critique was originally published in the Collie Club of America’s Summer 2019 Bulletin and 2019 Yearbook To the Collie Club of America membership, thank…